Spector wins Soloway KO

Spector routs Palma, wins Soloway final

Gavin Wolpert, captain Warren Spector, Kevin Bathurst, John Hurd, John Kranyak and Vincent Demuy

The team led by Warren Spector manhandled Antonio Palma’s squad in the final of the Soloway Knockout Teams, winning their match 138–40.

Spector of Palm Beach FL played with Gavin Wolpert, Vincent Demuy and Kevin Bathurst of Palm Beach Gardens FL, John Kranyak of Greenville SC and John Hurd of New York NY.






Captain Antonio Palma, Juan Carlos Ventin, Fredrik Nystrom, Joaqin Pacareu and Frederic Wrang

Palma of Evora, Portugal, played with Fredrik Nystrom and Frederic Wrang of Stockholm, Sweden, Juan Carlos Ventin of Barcelona, Spain, and Joaquin Pacareu of Santiago, Chile.

Spector jumped out to a 45–18 lead in the first quarter of the match, and they expanded their lead to 71–32 at the half. Spector added only 14 IMPs in the third set, but Palma went scoreless that quarter. Up 85–32 at the beginning of the fourth quarter, Spector stayed completely in control the last set, winning the contest by 98 IMPs.


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