Hall of Fame Admission Rescinded

With great sadness, the ACBL Hall of Fame Committee accepts Sharon Anderson’s withdrawal as the 2022 Blackwood Award recipient and ACBL Hall of Fame member. A Blackwood Award recipient is selected annually by the Hall of Fame Committee and given to individuals who have contributed greatly to the game of bridge without necessarily being world-class players. Sharon has been an incredible volunteer: a former President of the League and an inspirational force on the Educational Foundation.

On June 28, 2022, the ACBL Appeals and Charges Committee accepted a Negotiated Resolution agreed to by Sharon Anderson in which she admitted to a First Class Ethical Violation under the ACBL Code of Disciplinary Regulations. The ACBL Hall of Fame clearly believes that it should not bestow the honor of induction on an ACBL member under these circumstances.

Mitch Dunitz, ACBL Hall of Fame Committee Chair

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